Tuesday, May 31, 2011

random quotes

"Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It's for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough..."

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together. There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you."

"Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss."

source : http://www.lovingfromadistance.com

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Walk to Remember

An inspirational love story, capturing the innocence and idealism of that first encounter - Urban cinefile

This is not your average teen movie... Jamie is a girl who doesn't apologize for who she is and what she stands for - Smash Hits

She didn't belong, she was misunderstood, and she would change him forever

Jamie (Mandy Moore) was the last person Landon (Shane West) was likely to fall for. The daughter of the town's Baptist minister. She's serious, conservative and as far from cool as she could possibly be - and she doesn't care.

Landon is the opposite. Aimless, moody and reckless. He has no plans for the future and no faith in himself. When a prank played on a new classmate goes wrong, Landon's punishment is to tutor a young student on weekends and participate in the school play - activities that are definitely uncool and bring him into close contact with Jamie

With the scorn of his friends and initially against Jamie's wishes. Landon finds himself falling in love with her and all the things he isn't. Being together will test everything they believe in. Most of all, it will test the power of love and faith to transform a life into something worth living.

This is an old movie I haven't noticed before, just caught my eyes when I was looking around for something to watch today. And I'm 100% satisfied to have bought it somehow. An extraordinary movie with a great moral lessons. For you who haven't watch this one yet, you should have watch it. A sweet, entertaining, and unique love story

Friday, May 6, 2011

Donor Darah Massal

Warta Kota

Lebih dari satu dasawarsa sudah Warta Kota menyapa warga Jabodetabek dengan pemberitaan seputar kota Metropolitan yang dinamis. 12 tahun kebersamaan warta Kota merupakan wujud semangat, kerjakeras dan cit-cita mulia untuk selau menyajikan yang terbiak bagi anda pembaca setia kami.

Warta Kota Dengan Bangga Mempersembahkan Rangkaian Acara:

* Donor Darah Massal Warta Kota
Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011
WTC Mangga Dua
Exhibition Hall, Ground Floor
jl. Mangga Dua Raya No.8 Jakarta Utara

Sekantong Darah Anda Dapat Menolong Beberapa Jiwa
Dan Dapatka Gooddie Bag & Kaos Exclusive

Untuk Informasi Hubingi :
021 53677887 ext.4855(sdr.Bowo)

source : http://www.urbanesia.com/events/donor-darah-massal-warta-kota

Syarat :

1. umur 17 - 60 tahun
( Pada usia 17 tahun diperbolehkan menjadi donor bila mendapat ijin tertulis dari orangtua.
sampai usia tahun donor masih dapat menyumbangkan darahnya dengan jarak penyumbangan 3 bulan
atas pertimbangan dokter )
2. Berat badan minimum 45 kg
3. Temperatur tubuh : 36,6 - 37,5o C (oral)
4. Tekanan darah baik ,yaitu:
Sistole = 110 - 160 mm Hg
Diastole = 70 - 100 mm Hg
5. Denyut nadi; Teratur 50 - 100 kali/ menit
6. Hemoglobin
Wanita minimal = 12 gr %
Pria minimal = 12,5 gr %
7. Jumlah penyumbangan pertahun paling banyak 5 kali, dengan jarak penyumbangan sekurang-
kurangnya 3 bulan. Keadaan ini harus sesuai dengan keadaan umum donor.

5 Manfaat Donor Darah Bagi Kesehatan

1. Menjaga kesehatan jantung

Tingginya kadar zat besi dalam darah akan membuat seseorang menjadi lebih rentan terhadap penyakit jantung. Zat besi yang berlebihan di dalam darah bisa menyebabkan oksidasi kolesterol. Produk oksidasi tersebut akan menumpuk pada dinding arteri dan ini sama dengan memperbesar peluang terkena serangan jantung dan stroke. Saat kita rutin mendonorkan darah maka jumlah zat besi dalam darah bisa lebih stabil. Ini artinya menurunkan risiko penyakit jantung.

2. Meningkatkan produksi sel darah merah

Donor darah juga akan membantu tubuh mengurangi jumlah sel darah merah dalam darah. Tak perlu panik dengan berkurangnya sel darah merah, karena sumsum tulang belakang akan segera mengisi ulang sel darah merah yang telah hilang. Hasilnya, sebagai pendonor kita akan mendapatkan pasokan darah baru setiap kali kita mendonorkan darah. Oleh karena itu, donor darah menjadi langkah yang baik untuk menstimulasi pembuatan darah baru.

3. Membantu penurunan berat tubuh

Menjadi donor darah adalah salah satu metode diet dan pembakaran kalori yang ampuh. Sebab dengan memberikan sekitar 450 ml darah, akan membantu proses pembakaran kalori kira-kira 650. Itu adalah jumlah kalori yang banyak untuk membuat pinggang kita ramping.

4. Mendapatkan kesehatan psikologis

Menyumbangkan hal yang tidak ternilai harganya kepada yang membutuhkan akan membuat kita merasakan kepuasan psikologis. Sebuah penelitian menemukan, orang usia lanjut yang rutin menjadi pendonor darah akan merasakan tetap berenergi dan bugar.

5. Mendeteksi penyakit serius

Setiap kali kita ingin mendonorkan darah, prosedur standarnya adalah darah kita akan diperiksa dari berbagai macam penyakit seperti HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, sifilis, dan malaria. Bagi yang menerima donor darah, ini adalah informasi penting untuk mengantisipasi penularan penyakit melalui transfusi darah. Sedangkan untuk kita, ini adalah “rambu peringatan” yang baik agar kita lebih perhatian terhadap kondisi kesehatan kita sendiri.

Setelah menginjak usia 18 tahun, cobalah untuk membiasakan diri mendonorkan darah setiap tiga bulan sekali. Tidak hanya akan memberikan perasaan yang senang karena dapat membantu sesama, namun bermanfaat positif bagi kesehatan tubuh kita sendiri. Dan usia maksimal untuk melakukan kebiasaan baik ini adalah hingga berusia 60 tahun. Jadi jangan tunggu lama lagi, ayo… saatnya donor darah!

Let's participate! We help people out there, and we help ourselves too!

A Million Dollar wishes

What if...
I love to dream, I love to imagine any possible or even impossible things,
and one of the possible one (hopefully) is what would I've done if I had a million dollar
And this is what I've thought of using it

1. Investment on property
Money easily fades away, especially when you think you have much (which actually not). And I think that property is one of the most promising place to invest your money. Lands are rare and its value increase every time. I would also buy myself a comfortable peace mansion to live after I've got retired

2. Build a small clinic
A free one of course for those who struggle in their financial life. I want to have all full-dedicated doctors and nurses to work at the clinic. So they will help full-heartedly, without any commercial views.

3. Build a small fun-learning education school
indeed, it's a FREE fun-learning education school for those who need help in their financial life

4. Build my own fitness center
This is a commercial one. To pursue more people to live a healthy living. Beside I really love to go to the gym.

5. Travel around Indonesia and the world
I would really love to visit all unique and beautiful places around the world.

6. Make my own restaurant
I would build a fine-dining restaurant. With lots a chandelier around the corner of the restaurant. A comfy place to chill, a romantic place to spend the night, and a promising food taste.

7. Make my own clothing line
I would like to make my own clothing line. perhaps my clothing line would be named 'pursue', inspired by the film 'the pursuit of happiness', I wonder If I could bring up a high quality material but with an affordable price, so that it would bring happiness and satisfaction for those who buy the clothes

I think that's all the dreams I've dream so far just if I had a million dollar,
Wish it will do come true, what's your million dollar wishes?