Sunday, January 30, 2011

Valentine's Day ahead

I found it out that some of my lovely friends are getting hectic in the past few days.
there's no other reason but valentine's day is coming, and they still have no clue what to give to their special one.
I'm not one of them, indeed
I've never take valentine's day seriously anyway, just another human-made day
But last year, I don't know why, but I made this classic cornflakes snacks,
it's so damn easy to make, perhaps, I'll make a review of it, but you can't hardly find it on google

Here's some other home-made cookies I found interesting, glazing, and mouthwatering,
hope it'll give you a clue about what to give on Valentine's day

Click Here for Recipe

Nothing could ever replace this historic classic chocolate cookies
Click Here for Recipe

More fiber more health, Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
Click Here for Recipe

The taste of almond, could never be replaced for this almond sugar cookies
Click Here for Recipe

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'm back

After spending a few days struggling with piles of try out and else,
at last I got some spare time to fill this quite plain blog,
well, I've been watching masterchef show lately on StarWorld,
and I'm quite inspired to seek the best kitchen
which hopefully could be my future house kitchen,
I love to cook actually and I've been dreaming of a full equipped with high technology equipments on my kitchen to fulfilled all my desire to cook some food,
and here's I got a few picture of world's best kitchen, and here's I pick some of the best one

I like this 'homey' kitchen set, and I love the atmosphere it gets from the through windows sunlight, I love the kitchen to remain simple, with lots of room to move within

And what I love the most from this other one, is the simple design and WOOD TILED, I've always love a wood tiled room, wood has never failed to brings up the warm and safe atmosphere

The light it gets from the big window is the reason for me to fall my heart to this kitchen design

finger crossed to have the combination from the three picture above, or perhaps just any of it, it's like a dream come true, I could've spend the whole day at my kitchen

Monday, January 17, 2011

Life lesson

It takes life time to build 'who you are'
and a few seconds to ruin it all

Most people take their emotion ahead instead of their heart
and it's part of human's biggest mistake to take action and make a decision with their emotion,
They can even do what they don't expect to do

So, you better calm down and let your heart speak ahead,
it's never been better to give some role for your emotion to control the rest of your action

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Thinking back when we first met
I remember what you said
You said you'd never leave me
I let go of your hand
Built my castle in the sand
But now I'm reachin' out again
And I'm not letting go
Till you

Hold me
Mold me
Sometimes I feel so all alone
See, I gotta find me way back home
So why don't you
Shape me
make me
Wash me whiter than the snow
I gotta find my way
Back home

Master upon my knees i pray
I just want to be the clay
Put your arms around me
Place my life in your hands
Lord, I know I'm just a man

I know you understand
This time I'm not letting go

Random dream

I woke up a little bit late today,
and just remember that I had a dream about this song last night (weird?)
I had quite a bad memorable thing about this song actually
but nevermind, it's still a good song anyway,
enjoy :D

Friday, January 14, 2011

Quotes of the day

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
-Lao Tzu

Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.

Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.
-Thomas Jefferson

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
—Lao Tze

Never regret nor forget, move on and learn is all you've got to do

I got nothing to say lately due to pile of homework, test, and laziness,
Here's just some more inspiring quotes I read today, enjoy :D

Monday, January 10, 2011


Jadi baru aja beberapa jam yang lalu,
dede gue yang tahun ini baru aja masuk SMP 1, masuk ke kamar gue,
dan tiba2 mengajukan pertanyaan yang menurut gue sendiri itu susah banget jawabnya

"Ce, cara nembak cewe gimana sih?"
Jeng jeng, ini pertanyaan sebenrnya cukup lazim sih ditanya anak2 kecil, soalnya mereka ga ngerti
tapi pas ditanya, gue bingung, ga bisa jawab, ga tau mau jawab apa tepatnya

Terus dia nyeletuk
"Kalo pake sms ga romantis kan?"
Wah, statement nya cukup membuat gue kagum sih sama dede gue yang satu ini,
Apa dede gue terpengaruh sama temen2nya, atau entahlah dia nonton dari sinetron Indonesia yang mana

Gue tanya, "Emang lu bisa tahan lama pacaran ? nanti kalo putus gimana?"
Dede, "Yah, sebulan mah ga putus lah"
Nah, statement nya yang kedua ini membuat kekaguman gue drop lagi,
ternyata sekali anak kecil yah tetep aja anak kecil, mau gimana tetep aja masih polos

Gue tanya, "Emang temen2 kamu kalo nembak cewe kaya gimana sih?"
Dede, "Yah, ngomong langsung, terus LARI.."
Lari. babaha. Jiwa main petak umpet masih ada di diri mereka, abis nembak, mereka lari, lucu juga yah, hahaha. tapi mending lah daripada di SMS sih

Terus dede gue mulai ambil boneka2 gue di kamar, terus dia bilang,
"Ce, nanti aku tembaknya pake ini aja yah, aku kasih dia?"
dalam hati gue, "ALAY banget adek gue, yah ampun, mana itu boneka udah belel2 semua"

Terus sekarang gue malah jadi mikir sendiri, jadi bingung sendiri,
adek gue udah gede yah sekarang, udah mulai pacar2an, mau ngeduluin cecenya bahkan, HAHAHA
Kayanya belom lama dulu gue masih suka ribut dan berantem sama adek gue, eh sekarang udah damai tentram walaupun kadang masih suka rese,
terus pertanyaan kedua, emang cara nembak cewe yang bener kaya apa? gue sendiri ga tau. muahahaha

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Gabriel and Good Luck

Just today this morning, I went to the airport before my friend, Gabriel Kereh, to continue her study to Australia, and just two days ago, she had have her 17th birthday bash, and I would proudly and sincerely dedicate this post to my beloved friend,

Happy Birthday Gabby
God Bless you abundantly, and may through this stage of age, you could become more mature

This is some picture I took on her birthday bash

The birthday girl, she looks gorgeous, right?

Gabriel, Catherina, me, and Teresa

Me and Catherina

Me, Gabriel, Teresa

My First Post in 2011

It's been quite a long time since I don't post anything here,
I've been busy with my holiday, and I did enjoy it so much,
So to start this year, I'm going to plan myself 'again' my new year resolution,

Well, after a long way of writing things down, I decide to summarized all of it into a single resolution,

#1 I want to be a better person
in a good way for sure, in every single thing I do, sounds hard, but this is what it's all about

I want to make other people happy especially my parents,

This year I'm going to be a high school graduates, damn time flies too fast,
not in more than 4 months I won't use my senior high uniform anymore, I'm going to make this last year remarkable, I want to choose the best path for myself on the major I'm going to pick, and generally it's going to be medical studies (Thank God you show me the way) :)

I want to get rid all of my bad habit

I want to stay focus and keep all that positive thoughts around

I want to get rid my complaining habit, I want to stop putting that emotion ahead of heart

And I want to loose some more pounds :p This has been my target since last year actually and I've been facing a roller coaster weight last year, and I wish it won't happen this year

Even it's too late, I just want to wish you guys HAPPY NEW YEAR :D
May your year be blessed