Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I've learned

I've learned
We are never in charge of what tomorrow may become, God does

I've learned
People expects and those expectations failed people most of the times

I've learned
Sometime you should just believe in yourself and stop listening to other

I've learned
Someone out there are made for you to love you just the way you are

I've learned
You better be hated for who you are rather than loved, pretending to be someone else

I've learned
People change, so never put too much hope on someone

I've learned
Things with value never comes easy

I've learned
There are just things that never meant to be

I've learned
Action always speak louder than words

I've learned
Within struggle people may comes out finding power beyond their knowledge

I've learned
Family always comes first

I've learned
Everybody is beautiful in their own way

I've learned
It's harder to maintain things going, than to start it up

I've learned
Someone who really loved you would never got a chance to flirt with somebody else

I've learned
That there are still zillions of things out there i need to learn, and none of the things i've learned above are totally correct, it may have some flaws, yet nobody's perfect

1 comment:

  1. Yes, people still have to be reminded of things like this every once in a while :)
