Sunday, September 26, 2010

Check my latest quotes made by myself or copied from the best I've seen here's the link

You may leave some comment if you want to,
I'll be thankful for any suggestion/critics you would like to give
in both my blogspot or my tumblr. Thanks a lot followers :)
Keep reading my blog and keep posting
Oleh : Claudia Christin

Saat pintu hati tak lagi terketuk oleh penyiksaan
Saat mata tak berkenan melihat kenyataan
Saat telinga tak kuasa mendengar jeritan kesakitan
Saat mulut tak hendak mengungkap kejujuran
Saat tangan terpaku tuk mengangkat yang susah
Saat kaki membeku tak melangkah hadapi kenyataan
Saat hati nurani lenyap dalam kegelapan
Saat moral habis ditelan zaman
Saat kekayaan jadi pilihan
Saat uang menjelma jadi Tuhan

Tak ada kasih tersisa
Semua janji anya omong belaka
Saat kesatuan tak lagi segalanya
Saat keadilan tak lagi bernyawa
Apakah pantas kau sebut kau sebuah bangsa?
Yang kau kata sudah bebas merdeka
Saat harga diri habis terinjak massa
Saat budaya tak lagi berharga
Saat karya direnggut negeri tetangga,
Apa kau sudah betul merdeka?

Merdeka, Indonesia?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

This I Promise You

When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength,
I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call,
Was standing here all along..

And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

I've loved you forever,
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never...
Will you hurt anymore
I give you my word
I give you my heart (give you my heart)
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow,
Forever has now begun...

Just close your eyes (close your eyes)
Each loving day (each loving day)
I know this feeling won't go away (no..)
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you..
This I promise you..

Over and over I fall (over and over I fall)
When I hear you call
Without you in my life baby
I just wouldn't be living at all...

And I will take (I will take you in my arms)
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong (right where you belong)
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you baby

Just close your eyes
Each loving day (each loving day)
I know this feeling won't go away (no..)
Every word I say is true
This I promise you

Every word I say is true
This I promise you
Ooh, I promise you...


It's been a long and winding journey, but i'm finally here tonight
Picking up the pieces, walking back into the light
Into the sunset of your glory, where my heart and future lies
There's nothing like that feeling, when i look into your eyes...

My dreams came true, when i found you
I found you, my miracle...

If you could see, what i see, that you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...

Standing here before you, feels like i've been born again
Every breath is your love, every heartbeat speaks your name...

My dreams came true, right here in front of you
My miracle...

If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...

Brought me here to be with you,
I'll be forever grateful (oh forever Faithful)
My dreams came true
When I found you
My miracle...

If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
Yes they brought me here...
If you could feel, the tenderness i feel...
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. It had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two.

Friday, September 17, 2010


hai semuanya, lama ga nulis-nulis disini yah,
setelah sekian lama berkutit dengan tumblr dan plurk,
ternyata saya merasa disini memang tempat paling enak buat cerita-cerita panjang lebar,
di tumblr rasanya enakan ngarang-ngarang quotes,
kalo di plurk ad max char , jd g bs ngmg panjang lebar,
so here I am back at blogspot.
Jadi kenapa gw hari ini berinisiatif untuk nulis-nulis disini?
yah karena gw baru baca blog beberapa temen gw dan membuat gw terpacu untuk menulis disini, gaya bahasa gw mngkin sudah berubah, biasa lah saya kan ababil juga (re: abege labil), jadi lagi pengen mencoba hal-hal baru, yang ga biasa dilakukan, hehehe :p
Usut punya usut, ternyata gue pny dua teman yang menurut gw sangattttt,
errr, sangatt... jayuss, namun menghibur,
salah satunya tertuang di
oke, kalo diliat dr cara tulisannya, memang manusia penciptanya jayuzz,
jayus nya tidak ketolongan, dia itu layaknya koruptor pajak, jayus tambunan. loh?
gaya bahasanya itu mengocok lemak, eh salah, mengocok perut,
jadi lumayan kalo yang lagi labil, galau, stress, mau ketawa-ketawa,
bacalah postingan dy, dijamin ga bakal nyesel deh
oke deh, sekian dulu promosinya,
buat evan junius yang blognya uda gw promosiin, hahahahaha,
ditunggu yah royalty nya, :p
cukup dulu dh, sbntr lagi mau UTS, jadi harus belajar,
demi menyongsong masa depan yang cerah dan penuh harapan *halah
hahahah, oke
jangan lupa follow gw yah di tumblr, bnr ga yah linknya? smga aj bnr deh, hehehe. bye semuaaaaa

Monday, September 6, 2010

I couldn't stand when I got to be stuck on the same routinity for a long time,
that's why actually I never master anything, cause I usuallyget bored before I could finish it yet.
And after I got bored with blogspot and facebook recently,
I got struck by a tumblr fever. I think I'll spend more of my time socializing what's on my mind there.
Follow me on
you'll see more quotes there rather than a long boring post,
hope you enjoy,
if you don't have one,
make it for yourself,
it's fun! better to try than never, right ? :D

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

LMCR 2010

Lama rasanya ga coret-coret blog saya ini,
Mumpung saya lagi rajin nulis blog tp males belajar kimia, jadi gw mw berbagi cerita sedikit,
belom lama ini gw sedang gencar0gencarnya pengen ikut lomba, lomba apa aja deh,
yg penting masih di batas kemampuan gue dan guw harapkan sih g ad biaya pendaftaran, jadi kalo kalah ga ad rasa bersalah, hehehe.
So, after googling for some times, gue menemukan lomba LMCR 2010 ,
ternyata ini tuh lomba menulis cerpen remaja yang rutin dilakukan,
temanya itu tentang REMAJA,
gampang kalo mau ikutan tinggal buat cerpen, *keterangan lebih lanjut bisa tny langsung sama om google, cari aj LMCR 2010
terus tinggal kirim bersama kemasan LIP ICE,
lumayan loh hadiahnya, bisa buat gue kaya mendadak, apalagi pemenang yang diambil itu ada cukup banyak,
well, gw positive thinking aj de, nothing to lose on this competition,
I've tried my best , and God will do the rest,
kalo memang ini nasib gw menang yah syukur,
kalo kalah yah bisa jadi pengalaman buat gue,
really this is my last year on high school, specifically on SCHOOL,
Time fly like damnnnn fast, I can't even catch it up,
So, I won't waste any of my time left, I'll use it well, and I've promised myself :D
Wish me luck guys on the competition,
You're welcome to join the competition, You still got your time,
the deadline is on 15th September,
Good Luck, and God Bless you. :D