Friday, June 12, 2009


First, I want to congratulate all my beloved friend from X1 who had sucessfully pass to grade 11 whether in major science or commerce. =] CONGRATS! I think even without Presty in our class we still can call ourselves a WINNER. cause we've reached our goal and our character building program.

I do believe that some of us still not satisfied with what we've got. But, let it just be a lesson for us. Don't stop fighting. There's nothing to be ashamed of when you get to commerce class. There are no difference between science or commerce. It's just about learning a different subject. But the true lesson that we will get is just the same, experience and knowledge. Both of it are useful for our life. Every businessmen and women will need a doctor to cure them, an architect to build their office or house, etc. And also a doctor or an architect will need a lawyer, an accountant, etc.

Everyone has their own faith. God has create our own path. And it must be the best for us. Everything that happen whether it's good or bad God will always be with us. So never think that you've failed when you don't get what you want or what you wish. Because everything happen for a reason. It will bring their own good to us. We won't feel the good thing when we never stop complaining and never start to learn. Let the bad things just be part of our experince and be a lesson for us to learn so we won't fall into the same hole.

I'm very sad to say GOODBYE to all of you guys in X1. This is a feeling i've never felt before. A feeling where it seems so hard to say goodbye to something where i'm really into it and enjoy. But when we've start there must be an end. I want to say sorry for all the bad things or words i've said or done to all of you guys in this last first year in SMAK 3 . I didn't meant to hurt your feeling. Really . . .

But overall, this is a very GREAT day, now this is the beginning of our new journey, and HOLIDAY! I've been waiting for this moment badly. Enjoy your HOLIDAY friends. HAPPY HOLIDAY and once again, BRAVO X1! =]

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