Sunday, December 12, 2010

Reviewing My 2010 New Year's resolution

Do you still remember about my New Year's resolution post?
Now I would like to review it one by one,
Have I done it well? Have I achieve it? :p
This is what I post last year, together with my own conclusion

1) learn how to respect
Not just respecting other people but also respecting myself by being thankful for everything that had happen and take it as a lesson. I want to try to make myself, MYSELF. Respecting how i look naturally, respecting my body's needs, and else.

Conclusion : I haven't done it quite well actually, I still for some time don't feel grateful for what I've got in my life. But, overall I've done it well for most of the time

2) have a healthy diet
Through all this year i've been through so many kinds of diets. Some can be done successfully and some were not. Most of the 'succes' one is really unhealthy and this year i want to take a healthy diet and try to make it work for my body

Conclusion : Well, on this year, I don't gain or lose a great amount of pounds actually,
but I eat properly this year, and lately I'm having myself a new routine, I get myself to the gym for three times a week

3) be more organized
I want to be more organized in every single little things in my life for i'm now a little bit (a lot maybe. LOL) messy. I want to learn how to be more neat on my handwriting, keeping a document, and keeping all of my belongings the way it should be.

Conclusion : This is still the hardest habit I could ever have in my life! I haven't done it at all. Still, I put things anywhere which cause me to trapped myself on a chaos when I really need some thing, I should have done it better

4) make money
I want to make something, do little business that can make me some money. I want to collect money by my own power so that i don't really depend on my parents and can't lighten their burden to cost my daily needs.

Conclusion : Well, I haven't done this part as well, I've tried to join some competition and mostly (everytime) I failed. D:

5) make new friends
I want to be someone who is friendly and i want to meet lots of new friends. I want to socialize and learn more about people personality because i found it kinda interesting.

Conclusion : Yes, I met new friend on my new class, I do learn more about someone personality, I count this part, check!

6) develop my talent
I have talent that latey i've never developed. I have talent in singing. It has been such a long time since i haven't join any singing competition. This year i want to develop it and want to make it 'SOMETHING'. Based on what i do believe, i have to developed every single talent that got has give to us.

Conclusion : I haven't done this one too, pity me, I don't have my own quality time for it, I've been busy with school, exams, projects, which take mostly of my time (or is it just I can't handle my schedule well? idk)

7) learn how to reject
for so many times, i have been someone who hardly reject someone command. Sometimes i feel like a weirdo when someone who is not really your friend come out infront of your face just in time when they need your help and even though that you know they're 'using' you, but you still can't reject what they've asked you to do. I want to learn how to reject if i knew that it should've be.

Conclusion : Still a hard part for me, some time I think, as long as you can help, why don't you just help them? But for some time It's quite a wrong thing too, but I've reject some though. And I feel great for rejecting it.

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